Finish The Dream
When Gary Vaynerchuk was a little boy, he dreamed of being incredibly rich. Actually, for him it wasn't a dream as much as it was a...
Attracting Love
For all you single ladies...or taken ladies who want to feel more love in their life! It starts with you! Everything you want from a...
The Simplest Explanation of Nonduality
Sometime cartoons can help us understand more complicated things in our universe like nonduality or oneness. I have read a few books on...
Honor The Goddess Within
Over the past few months I have been paying more attention to my body and feeling emotionally peaceful. I recently spoke to a friend and...
{Success} It's A Mind Game
Most people believe success is a function of hard work. Many popular quotes allude to this. Success is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration....
{Layers of Life } Tati Lennox
I have had a love of art for many years. Since grammer school I would say. In college it was my minored. The way oil paint felt to swip...
{March 20th} Spring Equinox
The Spring Equinox is Friday March 20th. It is officially the first day of Spring but more important a important time for renewal. It is...
Your Answers Lie in Silence
Every morning after I wake, I spend time doing some yoga and stretching. I usually do this in silence, but lately I have left my radio...
Be Present
Each week we talk about setting an intention. This week we want to be present in the moment of life. Enjoying the small things around us....
Philosophy of Living
A few months ago a good friend was visiting, having just returned from a short adventure in China. I really admire how he is living his...