100 Good Deeds
It feels good to do good. Helping other's just feels right, it touch us to the core. Designer Mary Fisher has created a playful way to...

3D Printed Jewelry American Pearl
We have been hearing the term 3D printing coming up more often lately. I only ever thought of it in terms of techy type products like...

8 Tips for Health & Balanced Travel with Dr. Raj
If you are headed out for the holidays it is essential to keep your body healthy and blanced. It will not only keep your feeling good but...

Handbag Designer 101
Courty Cobra (Shown) I'm a huge fan of supporting new designers. Over the past few years I had the opportunity to be a part of the...

What's On Your Face
Over the past few years we have been paying much more attention to our skincare and beauty products. Since our skin is our largest organ,...

The Office Stylist
I have known The Office Stylist, Sayeh for a long time now. She has impeccible taste and can make event the tiniest office look like a...

Sabina Knows
Everyone needs motivation. Sometimes it is not easy going it alone, you need that extra attention, the extra push to take your business...

Beachcomber in Newport
For the ambiance alone The Beachcomber, Crystal Cove in Newport Beach is a must for a step back into time. As you walk up the sweet...

Attract Your Best Life with Oprah & Deepak
A few months ago Denise and I signed up for the free 21 day meditation from Oprah and Deepak Chopra. It was so motivating to do it...

Tap Your Way To Wellness
I recently started "tapping" or the proper term EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique, in essence it is a way to re-wire your brain as Nick...