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{Layers of Life } Tati Lennox


I have had a love of art for many years. Since grammer school I would say. In college it was my minored. The way oil paint felt to swip across canvas was simply luxurious. I am inspired to pick up a brush again after seeing pieces from Tali Lennox's( yes, Annie Lennox's daughter) new exhibit "Layers of Life."


Tali celebrated her first solo presentation in Soho, NY with guests like Alice & Olivia's designer Stacey Bendet and Princes Eugenie of York. The new paintings explore the phenomena of social media, "selfies" and casual narcissism. She uses oil paints as a medium to create a series of self-portrait's that expose the raw elements of human nature which transcends the instant illusion of a generation consumed by Facebook updates and Instagram feeds.


*If you are in NYC and want to check out the exhibit it will be on view until Sunday, April 19 at the Catherine Ahnell Gallery, located at 66 Grand Street, in New York City.

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