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Spring Is Here, Time to Take Your Fitness Routine Outside

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With the weather warming up pretty soon options for staying in shape can include a few outdoor routines. By simply taking a run or hike outside you can lower stress and increase your self-esteem. Below I have a listed a few examples that will get you headed in the right direction when you are ready to take your fitness regime outdoors.

Sunrise Yoga or Sunset Yoga: Practicing yoga outside first thing in the morning or at the end of the day has so many mental and physical benefits. “Yoga means ‘union,’ and when it’s practiced outdoors it seems like the union with nature, humanity, and the universe is truly felt,” says Hilary Kimblin, a Vedic hatha yoga teacher and owner of Yoga Under the Trees in Beverley Hills, California. Tip: As the weather warms up check your community events listings for outdoor yoga in park.

Outdoor Running Groups: If you are new to fitness this spring joining a running group is a great way to stay committed and meet new people! Most groups will place you with fellow runners that won't out run you but motivate you. The best part about being apart of such groups is being able to connect with likeminded individuals that will be able to relate to the ups and downs of physical training.

Outdoor Bootcamps: From Central Park to your local neighborhood recreational field, an outdoor boot camp can be done anywhere. This is an excellent way to get a full body workout with friends. Looking to create your own boot camp with friends? Click here!

Hiking: You can enjoy the outdoors; soak up some Vitamin D and get a great sweat all at the same time with an outdoor hike. Depending on your location there are several hiking trails that vary in difficulty. Choosing a trail with more inclines are will add intensity vs. more of a flatland course. Select wisely and switch up course selection from time to time to avoid boredom. Tip: Try adding a weighted vest or ankle weights for an extra challenge.


Training minds, changing bodies!

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