Homemade "Vaseline"

I like to follow holistic experts to see what new findings they come up with and learn alternatives to well know products. While scrolling through Facebook motivational speaker and founder of FitLife.tv Drew Canole posted about using Vaseline. This is a staple that has been in my bathroom cabinet for as long as I can remeber, so I was intrigued to read more. The first sentence, "Vaseline is made of petroleum jelly which is basically a byproduct of the oil industry" got me like..whoa.
Besides all the not so great things about Vaseline it also included a simple recipe to make your own at home. Here is the recipe. It is simple and easy and includes coconut and olive oil, that right there is a yes for me. Whenever there is an alternative or homemade solution I am all ears. This one is certain the new staple in my bathroom cabinet.